Posh Cheese on Toast

Rainbow is arriving tomorrow and I'm starting to panic.

The poor child has spent very few days with me in her twelve years of life. I'm not sure what I'm going to find. I'm sure she's going to feel the same way.

I think about what her mother has suggested and I cringe. Part of me thinks they should have shipped her off to some boarding school where all of the responsibility of this wayward tween could be handled through third parties like proper rich people do.

But no, my darling daughter thinks that her reprobate mother is the person to take her wayward daughter under her wing.

On paper, I can see what she means. There's not many places she can run to around here - there's just the swamp and the big tree around here for her to entertain herself. I'll be changing the WIFI password daily - don't you worry about that.

Maybe she can befriend the kids next door, The Dubbers.

They're lovely kids really, but they get a lot of stick from the neighbours around here. Seen as tearaways. Always up for trouble. Parents have gone wild. You can hear the wowsers from the local CWA berating them.

Really, John and Jane, the parents, are a bit alternative and they let the kids run wild. However, I find them to be lovely children. Darren, the second son, with his Germanic white hair and pale blue eyes is a great kid. He comes over here to do odd jobs to get a bit of money. He and Rainbow are about the same age.

He likes when I feed him Posh Cheese on Toast after he's done his jobs. Says that they don't get cheese very often - which is more the pity. I believe the family are vegetarian. Oh well. I've seen Darren gobble down a tray of these delights.

Darren loves his bacon.

We won't tell his mum, will we.

Posh Cheese on Toast

This recipe is great when served with tinned tomato soup on a cold winter's night.

One and a half cups of grated tasty cheese

20 grams of melted butter

1-2 dessertspoons of Worcetershire Sauce

1 egg, well beaten

A pinch of salt and cayenne pepper

1-2 rashers of streaky bacon.

Non-virtuous buttered white bread, a day old is better.

What to do:

Heat the oven to 180 degrees in the new temperatures.

Mix all ingredients (except the bacon) and spread thickly on the white bread.

If you don't have any rabid vegetarians coming, cut the bread into soldiers and  place a strip of bacon on top.

Place the cheesy bread on an oven tray and back for 15-20 minutes.

Enjoy. This posh cheese on toast is legendary.

And never mention to my darling next door neighbours that I called them rabid vegetarians. But a bit more cheese and a bit of meat never hurt anybody.